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From Chaos to Calm: Strategies for Dealing with Difficult People

Do you find yourself in a never-ending cycle of reactivity, stress and frustration with difficult employees in your organization?

It’s no surprise – we all have incredibly full plates, and it often seems easier to push the problem aside. Unfortunately, that just creates a vicious cycle.

When an employee is difficult — if they challenge everything you say, reply in a passive-aggressive manner to just about everything, or if they react to feedback in a negative fashion no matter how helpful you’re trying to be — it can be draining. And left unattended, difficult employees create chaos in the workplace.

This can help. In this brand-new audio presentation, “From Chaos to Calm: Strategies for Dealing with Difficult People” we’ll address some common challenges, go beyond the typical strategies you’ve heard over and over, and even include a succinct explanation of how our brain works! In just 60 minutes, we’ll help you come up with a plan to restore calm to your office.

Because the key to successfully managing these employees lies in the behaviors, not the person.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • What’s driving the difficult behavior
  • Redirection skills to use when talking with a difficult employee
  • Tips for giving better feedback to difficult employees
  • How to access your own best interpersonal skills
  • How to get people to stop defending their behavior, and change it instead
  • New information on how understanding the brain can help you be influential with others
  • How to get others to shift from their resistant brain to their receptive brain
  • How to ensure behavior change is permanent

True vision is when you can see more than what people are showing you. Go beyond the chaos and find their potential. And you’ll be on a path to finding your potential as a leader too.

Presented By

Bill Crawford

Bill Crawford is founder and president of Crawford Performance Solutions. He is a licensed psychologist, earning his doctorate in Counseling Psychology from the University of Houston. He is the author of four books and is an organizational consultant and speaker. Clients include Sprint, Shell, and PBS. Often referred to as the “Steve Martin” of psychologists, he delivers his presentations with humor and energy! He has been a subject-matter expert for publications across the US, including The Chicago Tribune, the New York Times and Cosmopolitan.

Price: $175.00
